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FAQ Friday: How Often Should I Get a Massage?

Writer: salinahallenbecksalinahallenbeck

Hey everyone, I don't know about you but April got away from me, FAST! Wow! Anyway, Happy May!

Today let's talk about frequency of massage.

Clients ask, "How often should I get a massage?" and the truth is there's no one-size-fits-all answer. There are several things to consider when deciding how often to come.

First, what can you afford? I offer a variety of package options that reduce the cost of each individual massage. But, you have to consider your budget and what is right for you.

Second, ask yourself some important questions. What are my goals? Am I looking to relieve an acute issue? Do I have chronic pain? Am I looking to relax and relieve stress? Your goals can help determine how often you come. If you are in pain and looking to treat and acute issue, you may want to come weekly at first to stay out of pain and address the cause. If you are looking to reduce stress or maintain a chronic issue once or twice a month might be right for you.

The bottom line is, it is entirely up to you! I have had clients who come two to three times a week, only a couple times a year, and everything in between. Whatever you decide works for you, your schedule, and your wallet, I will meet you there and do my best to help you meet your goals!

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